Anyone who wants an iPhone Xs Max with maximum features will have to pay up to 1,649 euros for it. There are now initial analyses of the prices of the components of the new premium smartphone.
First of all, it should be said that these estimates refer purely to the cost of the components. Production, transport, advertising, development and licensing costs have not been included.
An iPhone Xs Max is expected to cost around $443 to manufacture. By omitting some 3D Touch components, Apple was able to keep the cost of the 6.5" display manageable. This is expected to cost around $80.
The processor is said to cost around 72 US dollars. The casing, the flash memory and the camera system should not be underestimated either. The price for a casing is estimated at around 58 US dollars. The 256 GB flash memory is estimated at 64.50 US dollars. The dual camera is the cheapest component in this estimate. The price mentioned here is 44 US dollars.
The market researchers emphasize that these estimates will be expanded over time. Figures for other components will follow and be adjusted if necessary.