The rumor mill surrounding the next generation iPhone has been raging for several months. Analysts and fans alike expect a lot from Apple next year. But Cupertino is also said to have high expectations - allegedly.
The iPhone 2020 is said to have a new 3D camera, a new design and larger displays as well as 5G and more - that's what the rumor mill says. According to some reports, Apple plans to market the device as the iPhone 12 - so the company would skip the S line - not for the first time - see 2017. Analysts are already expecting high demand due to the 5G technology. But what expectations does Apple actually have? The controversial platform Digitimes wants to have an answer to this question. According to the latest report, Apple is said to be planning around 100 million units for 2020. This figure is based on an internal forecast that Apple is said to have made available to its suppliers - according to Digitimes.
Too optimistic?
Although the iPhone 12 will receive a significant hardware upgrade, 5G is said to be the main reason for a purchase. The new devices are also expected to be more expensive - but this is said to not deter potential customers. Some analysts already believe that demand will be high, but 100 million units are too optimistic. As a reminder, the iPhone business has continued to develop over the past few years with growth of around -5 percent to +5 percent. If 100 million units are actually sold, that would be an increase of around 25 percent in the second half of 2020 and that is exactly what most people think is unlikely, despite 5G support. But let's be surprised. At this point in time, however, such figures should generally be taken with a grain of salt, especially when they come from Digitimes. The platform stands out with a rather modest hit rate when it comes to Apple. One thing cannot be denied, however - many fans are interested in the next iPhone. Here you can find Amazon Black Friday deals – don’t miss out! (Photo by Marko Aliaksandr / Bigstockphoto)