The year 2019 ends in a few weeks and now it has actually happened. Apple has announced a new special event for 2019.
"Loved by millions. Created by the best" is the motto for Apple's next special event. This is scheduled to take place on December 2nd in New York City. It is the first of its kind. Cupertino wants to present the best apps and games at this event. The whole thing is usually handled via press release - there has not yet been a separate event. According to the invitation, the whole thing is scheduled to take place at 4 p.m. CET (10 p.m. local time). However, the company did not name a specific venue in its announcement.
Reporter Lance Ulanoff believes that the presentation will be held in a small circle - the focus will be on applications. The invitation is decorated with a golden App Store symbol, suggesting Apple's annual "Best of" awards. Accordingly, no new products are to be expected. It is not yet known whether there will be a live stream. (Photo by bigtunaonline / Bigstockphoto)