The iPhone Xr has a 6.1” screen – this is not OLED but an almost frameless LCD with a notch.
The frame of the affordable entry-level model is made of aluminum. This is said to be of aerospace quality - according to Apple. It has some features that the iPhone Xs series also has, but there are a few differences. For example, Apple has given the iPhone Xr the function 3D Touch deleted.
What is 3D Touch?
3D Touch is a function that Apple introduced with the iPhone 6s. The user has the option of performing three different functions by pressing the touch-sensitive display with varying degrees of force. The pressure sensitivity can be individually adjusted on compatible devices.
Haptic Touch
The replacement for 3D Touch is called on the iPhone Xr Haptic TouchIn the new version, the user receives haptic (vibrating) feedback by a long click. The function was originally known under the name Force Touch from the Apple Watch. The iGroup had to optimize this feature in the iPhone X due to the missing home button. Incidentally, the haptic feedback is also used in Macs and is also known there under the name Force Touch led.
3D Touch too expensive
Although 3D Touch Although it is an asset and popular with some users, the function has not been a great success. The sensors required for this also make the manufacture of the displays much more difficult, which is why production is also more costly.
Were 3D Touch more popular among users, then Apple would probably continue to offer the feature. Due to this fact, its abolition is becoming increasingly likely - this is by no means regrettable, as Apple ultimately has a replacement to offer. Therefore, no one should be bothered by the change.