Apple released iOS 12 on September 17th. With this major update, the iCompany promises primarily better performance and more stability. Of course, the update also contains a few new features. However, a dangerous security hole has now emerged.
The newly discovered security vulnerability allows attackers to easily read the address book – despite the lock screen. When a major software update is released, developers may discover a security vulnerability in the current software version. This is now available under iOS 12.1 the case.
Facetime is the key
To bypass the lock screen of an iPhone and access the address book, all that is necessary is a call to the attacked device. This is reported by the platform The Hacker NewsOnce the call has been made and the connection is established, the attacked device must Facetime conversation be started.
Then click on the three-dot symbol and choose there Add Person from here on out it starts. Now we go to the plus symbol and the entire list of registered contacts opens. If you want to see details about a specific contact, 3D Touch needed.
Owners of an iPhone Xr are only affected to a limited extent. Since the entry-level model does not have 3D Touch, no information about specific contacts can be retrieved. So far, Apple has not made a statement about the problem - and there is no solution via the settings. An update to fix the problem should be released soon. As always, it is advisable not to leave your iPhone unattended.