Following the release of iOS 15.5 RC and macOS 12.4 RC to developers, Apple has also made the RC (Release Candidate) build of Studio Display Firmware 15.5 available. The update improves the image captured by the integrated webcam.
According to Apple, the latest Studio Display firmware update “refines camera settings, including improved noise reduction, contrast, and image framing.” The update follows several complaints from users who were disappointed with the Studio Display's poor webcam quality, which produces washed-out, noisy images.
Apple Studio Display: New update does not require macOS 12.4
Following these improvements, Studio Display owners have seen some improvements in image quality, which now has more natural colors and greater sharpness. However, due to the small ultra-wide sensor, even the software fixes weren't enough to make the images look particularly good. At the moment, Studio Display Firmware 15.5 RC is only available to beta testers. However, Apple has confirmed that once the update is available to the public, it will be available as separate software - so you don't need to install macOS Monterey 12.4 before you can update the Studio Display firmware. (Image: Apple)