Apple has made the option to upgrade to the new HomeKit architecture available again with the release of iOS 16.4, iPadOS 16.4 and macOS Ventura 13.3 after temporarily pulling the update in December.
After updating Apple devices to the latest software users can once again upgrade all homes set up in the Home app to the new Home architecture, which Apple says offers faster and more reliable performance, especially for smart homes with lots of smart accessories. To upgrade, open the Home app on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, tap or click the ellipsis button (three circled dots), then choose Home Settings. Choose Software Update, tap or click "Learn more" under "Home upgrade available," then follow the instructions.
HomeKit architecture update: Apple starts second attempt with iOS 16.4
Users who have already upgraded won't see this option and won't need to do anything since their Home architecture is already up to date. Before the launch of iOS 16 last year, Apple promised a new architecture for the Home app and offered it shortly after the release of iOS 16.2. However, the option was temporarily withdrawn after users reported issues such as HomeKit devices getting stuck in the "updating" or "configuring" state, devices missing entirely, invitations to share Home with other users failing, HomeKit Secure Video recordings not working, and more. (Photo by hadrian / Bigstockphoto)